We acknowledge the achievements of students both in their studies and in extra curricular activities (inside and outside of the school). The formal reward system for Years 7 – 11 is made up as shown below. .
Rewarding Behaviour for Learning (BfL)
We want everyone to achieve their full potential. To help to ensure this, and to ensure that pupils are demonstrating the right commitment to their studies, we have a process to reward good behaviour and positive learning attitudes during lessons.The numbers of rewards collected by pupils are recorded centrally on classcharts and used in various inter-tutor competitions and end of term and end of year rewards assemblies.
Each lesson is an opportunity for pupls to receive a reward where they impress with their demonstration of our Xavarian standards. They can track their rewards using the Classcharts app; parents/carers can also see the rewards their child accrues.
Key Stage 3
At Key Stage 3, pupils are issued with positive behaviour points during a lesson. Points are given for things such as:
- Being the first to start work
- Good effort
- Positive contributions to discussions or question and answer sessions
- Responding well to instructions or activities
- Being helpful
- Helping others with their learning
- Good effort and conscientious work
Each term the points are calculated by a notificationl to the student’s Year team as well as recognition in assembly.
Postcards, classcharts messages, emails and phone calls home can also be used to note ongoing acheivements in a subject. Behaviour points can also be traded for early lunch passes and queue jump passes for lunch and break time.
Key Stage 4
At KS4 pupils can earn points during a lesson or across a series of lessons or can be put forward for an award.
Points can be cashed in for a range of rewards such as vouchers; stationery; revision books; trips or activities.
Awards are collected each week from teaching staff and are given for attainment, effort, attitude or achievement in a subject or extra-curricular activity. A regular draw from winners is also made in assembly with these students being awarded an additional small prize.
Celebration in Assembly or Awards
Pupils receive positive behaviour points if they are making positive contributions to lessons or excellent work by individuals or whole classes, these may be rewarded by a mention in a Year group assembly. Achievements in extra-curricular activities and out of school activities are also celebrated in assembly. At KS4, students may also be praised via assembly; however, as students get older some appreciate a more private “well done”. Students in Years 10 and 11 can also earn awards from each subject area as a result of sustained effort, good work or progress.
End of term Celebration Assembly
Nominations are collected for a variety of services or demonstration of commitment, including attendance, effort and behaviour etc, during the term. Each Year group holds a celebration assembly at the end of every term which is an opportunity for the whole Year group to celebrate the success and achievements of individuals, groups, classes and the Year group as a whole on both in-school and out-of-school activities.
Certificates: Effort, Behaviour and Attendance
Effort, behaviour and attendance certificates are issued to those demonstrating very good standards across a range of subjects, or 100% attendance each term.
Achievement postcards
Parents/carers can also be informed of their child’s successes through a postcard which can be sent by any member of staff..
Annual prize giving: Proclamation
Students are awarded prizes for attainment or progress/attitude in subjects as well as prizes for sporting prowess. Prize winners and their parents/carers are invited to the prize giving ceremony held once per academic year