PSHCE incorporates Personal, Social, Health, Citizenship Education alongside Careers, and Literacy. Using the guidance of the PSHE Association Programme of Study and The Catholic Education Service providing the Sex and Relationship Education curriculum.
The subject is taught to KS3 and KS4 as part of the Mission Programme 50 minutes once a week with form tutors. So we are able to cover all the relevant topics.
The course is designed to help learners develop the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to manage their lives, now and in the future. To experience life in all its fullness. It is important that our pupils are prepared for adult society once they leave school. We teach our students to be able to deal with real life issues and know how to deal with issues appropriately. The lessons engage with the social and economic realities of their lives, their experiences, and attitudes. With our Mission Programme we can guarantee that the Catholic faith and ethos underpin the discussions and various sensitive topics.